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Photos by Nat Squatrito
Fourth of July Celebration
Bristol, Rhode Island 's

America's Oldest Continuous Fourth of July Celebration

Visiting Ships for the 239th Fourth of July Celebration
Starting in the early 1900’s, the U.S. Navy sends a ship to spend a week in Bristol during our Celebration. The Visiting Ship for the 239th Fourth of July Celebration is the USS MARINETTE (LCS 25).

Hattie Brown Award Recipients for the 238th Fourth of July Celebration

USS MARINETTE will be moored just outside the harbor and will have tenders from Bristol Town Pier adjacent to the Maritime Center south of Rockwell Park.
JULY 4-7
10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Persons interested in touring the ship will be pre-screened at the water taxi launch.
Please be advised:
Valid photo ID is required and all persons will be screened through metal detectors prior to embarking the water taxi.
Appropriate attire is required onboard the ship (closed toed shoes, no short dresses or skirts).
All visitors must be physically capable of embarking and debarking the ship via water taxi as well as climb up and down steep ladderwells onboard the ship.
The ship reserves the right to turn away visitors that do not comply with the above guidelines or pose potential safety issues
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USS Marinette (LCS-25) is a Freedom-class littoral combat ship of the United States Navy. She is the first commissioned ship, and second overall in naval service to be named after Marinette, Wisconsin (the place where it was built).
LCS 25 is outfitted with the combining gear correction that will allow for unrestricted operations. The correction addresses a class-wide flaw that was identified as the Fleet deployed these ships in greater numbers.
After her commissioning, planned for June 2023, Marinette will be homeported in Mayport, Florida.
Three more Freedom-variant ships are under construction at the Fincantieri Marinette Marine shipyard in Marinette, Wisconsin. The future USS Nantucket (LCS 27) is scheduled for delivery in the summer of 2023. Additional ships in various stages of construction include the future ships USS Beloit (LCS 29) and USS Cleveland (LCS 31). LCS 31 will be the final Freedom-variant LCS.
The LCS class is now the second-largest surface ship class in production. LCS is a highly maneuverable, lethal, and adaptable ship designed to support focused mine countermeasures and surface warfare missions. The Freedom and Independence-variant LCS integrate new technologies and capabilities to support current and future operational missions, from deep water to the littorals.
Contact Us
Bristol 4th of July Committee
General Chairman: Camille Teixeira
General Inquiries
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 561
Bristol, RI 02809