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Join our committee! Membership applications are must be postmarked by August 1st.

Not a Bristol resident but still looking to volunteer? Sign up here to be a Celebration Volunteer. We'll reach out to bring you into the loop when our Celebration begins to ramp up!
Photos by Nat Squatrito
Fourth of July Celebration
Bristol, Rhode Island 's

America's Oldest Continuous Fourth of July Celebration

Fourth of July Celebration
Photography Contest
Entry deadline: day, may XX,2025

The contest is open to all Bristol residents of any age with the exception of 4th of July Committee members and professional photographers.
Entries must be dropped off at Rogers Free Library by closing on Day, May XX, 2025. Winners will be notified by telephone no later than Day, May XX, 2025.
Ribbons will be awarded for First, Second, and Third place in each of six categories (listed below). One Best of Show ribbon will also be awarded. The overall Best of Show winner will also be invited to ride in the Bristol 4th of July parade with his/her photograph displayed on the side of the car. The winning photographs will be displayed at Rogers Free Library from early June through late August. Selected non-winning entries will also be displayed.
Contest Categories: Bristol (i.e. landmarks, architecture, artifacts, nautical), Creative (i.e. black & white, sepia, colorized, etc.,) Celebrations, Nature, Patriotic, and People.
Entry Rules
The contest is open to all Bristol residents of any age with the exception of 4th of July Committee members and professional photographers.
Each entry must be an unmounted 8” x 10” print.
Each entry must have your name, address, telephone number, title and category on an index card or entry label taped to the back of the photo. Also add as much information as possible regarding how the photo was created (Camera, lens or software used).
Entries must be taken either conventionally or digitally and printed on photo paper.
Photographs may be black & white, sepia or color.
Each contestant may enter a maximum of one photograph in each of the six categories.
Photographs need not relate to the 4th of July.
Entries must be dropped off at Rogers Free Library by closing, Day, May XX, 2025.
Failure to comply with the above eight items will result in disqualification.
The contest will be judged by professional photographers.
At the discretion of the judges an entry may be moved to an alternate category.
Winners will be notified by telephone no later than Day, May XX, 2025.
Ribbons will be awarded for First, Second and Third place in each category. One Best of Show ribbon will also be awarded. The overall Best of Show winner will also be invited to ride in the Bristol 4th of July parade with his/her photograph displayed on the side of the car
The winning photographs will be displayed at Rogers Free Library from early June of 2024 through mid-August, 2024. Selected non-winning entries will also be displayed as library space permits.
Winning entries will become the property of the Bristol Fourth of July Committee, and may be used in Bristol 4th of July promotional materials.
Non-winning entries may be picked up at Rogers Free Library when all displays have been removed.
Please contact Frank Fales at 253-5486 with any questions.

For all inquiries email:
Frank Fales
Carol Gafford
Contact Us
Bristol 4th of July Committee
General Chairman: Camille Teixeira
General Inquiries
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 561
Bristol, RI 02809