Become a Member!
Join our committee! Membership applications are must be postmarked by August 1st.

Not a Bristol resident but still looking to volunteer? Sign up here to be a Celebration Volunteer. We'll reach out to bring you into the loop when our Celebration begins to ramp up!
Photos by Nat Squatrito
Fourth of July Celebration
Bristol, Rhode Island 's

America's Oldest Continuous Fourth of July Celebration



Over the years the Bristol Fourth of July Celebration has become quite famous and attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators. This year's parade will include bands and drum corps from all over the United States. We look forward to welcoming past supporters and newcomers alike to the float competition and the line of March for the 240th Anniversary of
our Celebration of America’s Independence.
We will be awarding prizes for the Most Patriotic, Most Beautiful, and Most Original floats. There will also be Top Military Honors and Best in the Parade Awards.
Please review the Parade Float Application Package for all the details of entering a float into the Parade. Click the box below to download for 2025.

For all inquiries email:
Ana Barboza Motta
Parade Chairperson
Contact Us
Bristol 4th of July Committee
General Chairman: Camille Teixeira
General Inquiries
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 561
Bristol, RI 02809