Become a Member!
Join our committee! Membership applications are must be postmarked by August 1st.

Not a Bristol resident but still looking to volunteer? Sign up here to be a Celebration Volunteer. We'll reach out to bring you into the loop when our Celebration begins to ramp up!
Photos by Nat Squatrito
Fourth of July Celebration
Bristol, Rhode Island 's

America's Oldest Continuous Fourth of July Celebration

Upcoming Events
Throughout the year, the Bristol 4th of July Celebration holds a variety of fundraising and celebration events. Here you will be able to see a overall view of the upcoming events to help you plan.
If you want to see a listing of all of the events, click on the Events Listing, from there you can select any event. We are working on the Calendar of Events and will activate the link on the right so you can print it.
Contact Us
Bristol 4th of July Committee
General Chairman: Camille Teixeira
General Inquiries
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 561
Bristol, RI 02809